Subject: Seimens EWSD Release 16 - Y2K compliance
From: Robert Egan <>
Date: 1998/07/01
Message-ID: <>

Just for the hell of it I e-mailed the contact listed on the press release asking if 16 was the first Y2K compliant release. I got this answer today. If anyone still has questions, just email Mr Mahar, who appears the product rep.

Cheers Robert Egan

From: Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 16:58:38 -0400

Dear Mr. Egan,

The short answer to the question as asked is NO - Prior to Rel 16.0, Release 15.0 is also supported as described in the following excerpt from a DRAFT Product Bulletin soon to be released. In addition to the EWSD switch, more than a dozen associated OEM products are being upgraded to be in compliance as well. If necessary, I will be happy to provide some additional background on this issue, but the Product Bulletin will serve as the current status for EWSD Y2K compliance. Let me know what else you need from me on this.




The following new EWSD feature has been added to the EWSD feature portfolio:


Feature Title: YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE

Feature Number: 00-15-0011-0000

Application Information

EWSD year 2000 compliance has been made available for customers requesting early deployment, i.e., in 1998 as part of Release 15. This feature may be also be used in Release 15 for the millenium change by customers who have not installed Release 16 by December 1999. (This feature is part of every Release 16 office.)

The operating company receives all updates necessary for year 2000 compliance, including OEM.

Identification of Value

The EWSD is ready for the year 2000 in Release 15 when this feature is enabled.

Feature Description

This feature ensures a smooth transition from the year 1999 to the year 2000, a leap year, without encountering software errors or unexpected results from date calculations or comparisons. The transition to the year 2000 will be transparent to Telco craft personnel. Siemens has designed EWSD software to support dates far into the next century, and significantly beyond the life cycle of the EWSD product. This feature has been pulled up into Release 15 as a 15.FT (Fast Track) feature for Optional testing and early deployment purposes.


Ordering and Delivery

Feature Number: 00-15-0011-0000

Patch Release: 15.FT Software Change Set Identity: To be announced

Enable key (if applicable): Yes Enable Key Acronym: YEAR2000

Scheduled Release: 15.FT

Feature Availability Date: 2Q98

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